Dr. Bogdan Cristian IACOB

Bogdan C. Iacob este cercetător ştiinţific III în cadrul Programului IV „România şi Europa în secolul XX”, Institutul de Istorie "Nicolae Iorga" din Bucureşti (Academia Română). Lucrările sale analizează rolul experţilor (istorici sau medici) din Europa Centrală şi de Sud-Est în cadrul organizaţiilor internaţionale (UNESCO, OMS) şi în spaţiile postcoloniale. Alte domenii de cercetare sunt: istoria Războiului Rece şi a comunismului; politici de memorie şi identitare în post-socialism. A fost bursier sau cercetător asociat la universităţi sau centre de studii avansate în Aarhus, Exeter, Budapesta, Sofia, Jena, Maryland (College Park), etc. Este coautor al monografiei 1989. A Global History of Eastern Europe (Cambridge UP, 2019) şi este autorul capitolului "Health" în volumul Socialism Goes Global. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Age of Decolonisation (Oxford UP, 2022). A editat numărul special "State Socialist Experts in Transnational Perspective. East European Circulation of Knowledge during the Cold War" al revistei East-Central Europe (2018). A publicat articole în Journal of Global History, Cahiers du monde russe, Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, etc. Este co-editor al volumului Off White: Central and Eastern Europe and the Global History of Race (Manchester UP, 2024). În prezent, dezvoltă un proiect de carte despre medicina românească în Africa în timpul Războiului Rece.

Bogdan C. Iacob is a researcher in the Programme "Romania and Europe in the 20th century", at the "Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History in Bucharest (Romanian Academy). His work explores the role of experts (historians or doctors) from Central and South-Eastern Europe in international organisations (UNESCO, WHO) and post-colonial spaces. Other areas of research: Cold War studies; history of communism; memory and identity politics in post-socialism. He has been a fellow or research associate at universities or centres of advanced studies in Aarhus, Exeter, Budapest, Sofia, Jena, Maryland (College Park), etc. He is co-author of the monograph 1989. A Global History of Eastern Europe (Cambridge UP, 2019) and is the author of the chapter "Health" in the volume Socialism Goes Global. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Age of Decolonisation (Oxford UP, 2022). He edited the special issue "State Socialist Experts in Transnational Perspective. East European Circulation of Knowledge during the Cold War" of the journal East-Central Europe (2018). He has published articles in Journal of Global History, Cahiers du monde russe, Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, etc. He is co-editor of Off White: Central and Eastern Europe and the Global History of Race (Manchester UP, 2024). He is developing a book project on Romanian medicine in Africa during the Cold War.

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ultima actualizare:
10 mai 2024